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Pielęgnacja drzew na trawniku, ulicy i parku, z listą drzew i krzewów do użytku dekoracyjnego (1910): The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20622835469)

Data publikacji: 2015-08-24, Źródło artykułu:, Autor zdjęcia: Fernow, B. E. (Bernhard Eduard), 1851-1923
Title: The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative useIdentifier: CUbiodiversity1134698 (find matches)Year: 1910 (1910s)Authors: Fernow, B. E. (Bernhard Eduard), 1851-1923Subjects: Trees; TreesPublisher: New York, H. Holt and companyContributing Library: Cornell University LibraryDigitizing Sponsor: Mann Library, CornellView Book Page: Book ViewerAbout This Book: Catalog EntryView All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.Text Appearing Before Image: Walnut 259 Austrian or Scotch pine, and makes a natural appearance on rock> ground, if the soil is rich enough.Text Appearing After Image: Fig. 87. — Golden Chain. Laburnum vulgare Griseb. /. rupestris (120), the California species, a slender, small tree of more upright habit, otherwise resembling the black walnut, would probably make a good ornamental tree in Southern Stales.Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20621584118)
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The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20622859639)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20783311776)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20800124702)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20800144022)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20816641861)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20800132522)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20621648218)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20186877094)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20816632481)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20622835469)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20186993924)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20816675561)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park. With a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (19911816384)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20621598200)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20622823419)
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