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Pielęgnacja drzew na trawniku, ulicy i parku, z listą drzew i krzewów do użytku dekoracyjnego (1910): The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20800144022)

Data publikacji: 2015-08-24, Źródło artykułu:, Autor zdjęcia: Internet Archive Book Images
Title: The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative useIdentifier: CUbiodiversity1134698 (find matches)Year: 1910 (1910s)Authors: Fernow, B. E. (Bernhard Eduard), 1851-1923Subjects: Trees; TreesPublisher: New York, H. Holt and companyContributing Library: Cornell University LibraryDigitizing Sponsor: Mann Library, CornellView Book Page: Book ViewerAbout This Book: Catalog EntryView All Images: All Images From Book Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.Text Appearing Before Image: Ash 255 Of the eight American species, several resemble each other so closely that a distinction is difficult, even to nurserymen, and practically, ex- cept as to size, unnecessary from the ornamental point of view. The two most distinct species are:Text Appearing After Image: Fig. 85. — Flowering Ash. Fraximis Ornus Linn. F, Americana Linn. (105), White Ash, of eastern distribution from north to south, the largest, most typical of the genus, and the best in form. F, nigra Marsh. (106) (samhuafolia), Black Ash, a rather rare tree of the swamp, with a darker, denser foliage of slenderer leaves, and a dark gloomy aspect of stem and branches. F. lanceolata Borck. (107) (viridis), Green Ash, of more western distribution, a smaller tree, is often mistaken for white ash and mixed with it in nurseries.Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20621584118)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20621549638)
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The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20800124702)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20800144022)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20816641861)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20800132522)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20621648218)
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The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20816632481)
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The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20621598200)
The care of trees in lawn, street and park, with a list of trees and shrubs for decorative use (1910) (20622823419)
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